孙弘 教授
  • 凝聚态物理研究所
  • 第一性原理材料物理的计算研究
  • 021-54741080
  • 理科楼5号楼829室
  • hsun@sjtu.edu.cn

1987年十大信誉老品牌物理系获得博士学位。1987年至今,十大信誉老品牌物理系任教,1990年破格晋升教授,1994年获博士导团队格。 1993年至1999年,多次赴香港中文大学物理系Yu Kin-Wha教授小组合作访问;2000年至2002年,赴美国加州大学物理系(Berkeley) M. L. Cohen和S. G. Louie教授领导的研究小组合作访问;2004年至2010年,多次赴美国内华达州立大学物理系(Las Vegas)Chen Changfeng教授小组合作访问。

  1. Hong Sun, S.H. Jhi, D. Roundy, S.G. Louie and M.L. Cohen, “Structural Forms of Cubic BC2N”, Phys. Rev. B, 64 (2001) 094108.

  2. H.J. Choi, D. Roundy, Hong Sun, M.L. Cohen and S.L. Louie, “The original of the anomalous superconducting properties of MgB2”, Nature, 418 (2002) 758.

  3. H.J. Choi, D. Roundy, Hong Sun, M.L. Cohen and S.L. Louie, “First-principles calculation of the superconducting transition in MgB2 within the anisotropic Eliashberg formalism”, Phys. Rev. B (rapid communication), 66 (2002) 020513.

  4. Y. Zhang, Hong Sun* and C.F. Chen*, “Superhard cubic BC2N compared to diamond”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 93 (2004) 195504.

  5. Y. Zhang, Hong Sun* and C.F. Chen*, “Atomistic deformation modes in strong covalent solids”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 94 (2005) 145505.

  6. Z.C. Pan, Hong Sun* and C.F. Chen*, “Colossal shear-strength enhancement of low-density cubic BC2N by nanoindentation”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 98 (2007) 135505.

  7. J. Yang, Hong Sun*, and C.F. Chen*, “Is osmium diboride an ultra-hard material?”, JACS, 130 (2008) 7200.

  8. Z.C. Pan, Hong Sun* and C.F. Chen*, “Harder than Diamond: Superior Indentation Strength of Wurtzite BN and Lonsdaleite”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 102 (2009) 055503.

  9. W. Zhou, Hong Sun* and C.F. Chen*, “Soft bond-deformation paths in superhard gamma-boron”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 105 (2010) 215503.

  10. C.P.  Zang, Hong Sun* and C.F. Chen*, "Unexpectedly low indentation strength of WB3 and MoB3 from first principles", Phys. Rev. B 86, (2012) 180101 (Rapid Communications).

  11. B. Li, Hong Sun* and C.F. Chen*, "Large indentation strain stiffening in nanotwinned cubic boron nitride", Nature Communications 5 (2014) 4965 (doi: 10.1038/ncomms5965).

  12. B. Li, Hong Sun* and C.F. Chen*, "Extreme mechanics of probing the ultimate strength of nanotwinned diamond", Phys. Rev. Lett., 117 (2016) 116103.





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